February 21, 2022

Ok, the new old new plan is to re-implement that admin user interface for this site (where I edit posts) as a macOS app. I mentioned the desire to do this some time back, but that was before SwiftUI, which makes things a lot easier.

The app will talk to the underlying server using GraphQL as just JSON/HTTP and once that’s working well enough, I’ll remove the create-react based web-app and thus save myself the constant security warnings Github throws at me.

I do find that the MacApp is so much easier to understand than the Javascript app. React really isn’t good for application level architecture. I think it works much better as a component model you can fold into a larger page architected in some other way. Hot take!

After that’s done, I might try moving the whole thing into the Mac app and then implementing a static generator. I can use Core Data with iCloud persistence such that I can access to site data from any device.

I don’t have any reason to have a blog, but I do like writing the software for it. Who doesn’t want to be able to post once a year right from their phone!