August 19, 2017

All this white nationalism stuff. So-called white culture is what it is because of non-white culture both for good reasons (art, philosophy, science, commerce and genes) and bad (slavery, exploitation, war). And what is white culture? England, but not Italy? Germany, but not Poland? Denmark, but not Russia? The US, but not Mexico (which seems far more European than the US)? Is America an ethnic group in danger of being erased, or a set of aspirational ideals to which many paths lead? And what does culture have to do with skin color, or your grandparents’ heritage? Can you even answer that? Is the culture so fragile it can’t handle diversity? If so, then good riddance. It’s inevitable. Nothing survives for long behind a wall. And all the ethnic groups around these days are fairly new, on a historical scale. Nothing is permanent. Used to be obvious that religious diversity would destroy the state — until it was obvious it wouldn’t. There’s a lot of desire to conserve some sort of ethnic identity out there (any identity), but that desire has always lead to wars, civil wars, genocide, slavery, all-but-slavery, and, ultimately, if unchecked, the destruction of the group trying so desperately to conserve itself. Ethnic diversity won’t destroy anything unless you decide to use what power you have to create the violence against others that you fear they’ll eventually use against you. In other words, all this racist (I mean, nationalist) stuff is absurd on its face, and fundamentally, unreasoned.