August 24, 2018

What’s the deal with backpacks? Outside of college, why are backpacks a thing? Or are they? I’ll have to pay attention when out walking.

The reason I ask is because, lately, I’ve heard people talking about them to the nerdiest detail on podcasts.

I cared when I was in college – until I realized that for most classes all I ever needed was a few sheets of paper, a book and a pen. I also cared because all the little pockets and zippers are neat, need them or not.

At work, taking a laptop back and forth made me care – until networks made it easier to just have two machines. Same for work-related paper. Copy machines, right?

Use cases:

  • Taking stuff from work to a cafĂ© to get real work done in this era of open-plan, low-wall cubicle offices. Something good enough for a laptop and a few other things according to taste: pens, paper, adapters.

  • Day hikes. Water? Sweater? Lunch?

  • Actual travel for a few days either as everything-you-need, or carry-on entertainment gear. Or both.

Personally? I want the smallest bag possible with the fewest pockets. Like a purse, kinda. Throw everything in, then search to get stuff back out. The time spent searching is less than the time spent organizing pockets, or pouring over catalogs for the perfect bag. Fewer organizational choices means a lot less stress.